Baruch 1 She is the book of the precepts of God, the law that endures forever; All who cling to her will live, but those will die who forsake her. 她就是天主的诫命书,是永存的法律;凡遵守她的,必得生命;凡离弃她的,必要死亡。 2 Turn, O Jacob, and receive her: walk by her light toward splendor. 雅各伯!你该悔悟,该争取她,该在她的光照下,向着光辉进发; 3 Give not your glory to another, your privileges to an alien race. 你不该将你的光荣给与他人,不要将你的特权让给异民。 4 Blessed are we, O Israel; for what pleases God is known to us! 以色列人,我们真有福!天主将所喜悦的,启示给我们了。 5 Fear not, my people! Remember, 我的百姓,以色列的遗民啊!请你们鼓起勇气! 6 You were sold to the nations not for your destruction; It was because you angered God that you were handed over to your foes. 7 For you provoked your Maker with sacrifices to demons, to no-gods; 8 You forsook the Eternal God who nourished you, and you grieved 忘了生养你们的永生的天主,使养育你们的耶路撒冷悲伤, 9 She indeed saw coming upon you the anger of God; and she said: "Hear, you neighbors of 她眼见天主的义怒降在你们身上,不由得说: 10 For I have seen the captivity that the Eternal God has brought upon my sons and daughters. 11 With joy I fostered them; but with mourning and lament I let them go. 我曾在喜乐中,抚养了他们,如今却在痛苦悲伤中让他们离去。 12 Let no one gloat over me, a widow, bereft of many: For the sins of my children I am left desolate, because they turned from the law of God, 谁也不要对我这被众人遣弃的寡妇,幸灾乐祸!我孤苦伶仃,是为了我子女的罪恶,因为他们离弃了天主的法律; 13 and did not acknowledge his statutes; In the ways of God's commandments they did not walk, nor did they tread the disciplined paths of his justice. 他们没有认识他的规诫,没有履行天主诫命的道路,没有随从他正义纪律的路途。 14 "Let Zion's neighbors come, to take note of the captivity of my sons and daughters, brought upon them by the Eternal God. 熙雍的邻邦!请你们前来,怀念永生者放逐我儿女的事。 15 He has brought against them a nation from afar, a nation ruthless and of alien speech, That has neither reverence for age nor tenderness for childhood; 他从远方给他们引来了一个民族,是一个没有廉耻和言语不同的民族,不知敬老,也不知恤幼。 16 They have led away this widow's cherished sons, have left me solitary, without daughters. 他们夺去了寡妇的爱子,使她丧失儿女,孤苦伶仃。 但是我又怎能援助你们呢? 18 He who has brought this evil upon you must himself deliver you from your enemies' hands. 只有给你们招来这些灾祸的那位,才能救你们脱离敌人的掌握。 19 Farewell, my children, farewell: I am left desolate. 去罢!孩子们,去罢!我该独自一个留下; 20 I have taken off the garment of peace, have put on sackcloth for my prayer of supplication, and while I live I will cry out to the Eternal God. 我要脱去升平时的衣饰,穿上我哀祷的苦衣,一生不断向永生者呼号。 21 "Fear not, my children; call upon God, who will deliver you from oppression at enemy hands. 孩子们!奋勇起来向天主呼号罢!他必拯救你们脱离强权和敌人的掌握。 22 I have trusted in the Eternal God for your welfare, and joy has come to me from the Holy One Because of the mercy that will swiftly reach you from your eternal savior. 我曾期望永生者拯救你们,圣者就给我带来喜乐,因为永生者,你们的救主,不久就要对你们施行仁慈。 23 With mourning and lament I sent you forth, but God will give you back to me with enduring gladness and joy. 我曾含泪悲痛让你们离去,天主却快要以永远的喜乐和欢欣,将你们交还给我; 24 As 就如现在熙雍的邻邦看见你们被掳去,同样不久他们要见到你们的天主以绝大的光荣,和永恒的光辉赐给你们的救援。 25 1 "My children, bear patiently the anger that has come from God upon you; Your enemies have persecuted you, and you will soon see their destruction and trample upon their necks. 孩子们!你们该忍受天主向你们发泄的忿怒。仇人迫害了你,但不久你将看见他们的没落和践踏他们的颈项。 26 My pampered children have trodden rough roads, carried off by their enemies like sheep in a raid. 我娇贵的儿女被人掳去,沿着崎岖的道路前行,好似被仇人夺去的羊群。 27 Fear not, my children; call out to God! He who brought this upon you will remember you. 孩子们!奋勇起来,向天主呼号罢!因为使这事降到你们身上的那位,必要眷念你们。 28 As your hearts have been disposed to stray from God, turn now ten times the more to seek him; 从前你们心意昏愚,徘徊岐途,远离天主;如今却要十倍往昔,回转头来寻求天主, 29 For he who has brought disaster upon you will, in saving you, bring you back enduring joy." 因为给你们招来这些灾祸的那位,要拯救你们,赐给你们永远的喜乐。 30 Fear not, 耶路撒冷!请你鼓起勇气!给你起名的那位,必要抚慰你。 31 Fearful are those who harmed you, who rejoiced at your downfall; 32 Fearful are the cities where your children were enslaved, fearful the city that took your sons. 奴役你子女的,是有祸的;那收留过你子女的城邑,是有祸的; 33 As that city rejoiced at your collapse, and made merry at your downfall, so shall she grieve over her own desolation. 因为她怎样见你衰落而欢欣,怎样见你灭亡而喜庆,她也要同样因自己的荒凉而哀伤。 34 I will take from her the joyous throngs, and her exultation shall be turned to mourning: 我必夺去她因人烟稠密而有的繁荣,使她的夸耀化为哀伤, 35 2 For fire shall come upon her from the Eternal God, for a long time, and demons shall dwell in her from that time on. 因为必有长久不灭的火从永生者那里降在她身上,使她长期受恶魔的侵扰。 36 Look to the east, 耶路撒冷!请你向东远眺,遥望由天主那里给你降来的喜乐。 37 Here come your sons whom you once let go, gathered in from the east and from the west By the word of the Holy One, rejoicing in the glory of God. 看,离你远去的子女正在归来;奉圣者的命,他们由东方到西方,集合归来,因着天主的光荣喜跃若狂。 Footnotes(注解) 1 [25] Trample upon their necks: love of enemies was not an Old Testament ideal. The Babylonians are considered here, however, to be God's enemies as well as 2 [35] Deserts and desolate places were looked upon as the special habitations of demons; Tobit 8:3; Luke 11:24. |