Zechariah 1 1 Lo, a day shall come for the LORD when the spoils shall be divided in your midst. 看,属上主的日子要来到,那时,人们要在你们中间分取你们的掠物。 2 And I will gather all the nations against 我要聚集众异民来与耶路撒冷交战;城池必被占领,住宅必遭洗劫,妇女必被强奸,城中半数人要被掳去;但剩下的人民必不会由城中消灭, 3 Then the LORD shall go forth and fight against those nations, fighting as on a day of battle. 那时,上主必要出来,像他昔日在战争之日作战一样,与这些异民交战。 4 That day his feet shall rest upon the Mount of Olives, which is opposite 在那一天,他的脚要站在耶路撒冷对面,即东边的橄榄山上;橄榄山必由中间裂开,由东至西形成一条很大的山谷,其中一半山向北挪移,另一半即向南移动。 5 And the valley of the LORD'S mountain shall be filled up when the valley of those two mountains reaches its edge; it shall be filled up as it was filled up by the earthquake in the days of King Uzziah of 希农山谷从哥亚一直到阿匝尔必要被填平,如在犹大王乌齐亚的时日,因地震曾被填平一样;那时上主我的天主以及众圣者,必与衪一同降来。 6 On that day there shall no longer be cold or frost. 在那一天,没有炎热,也没有寒冷和冰霜。 7 There shall be one continuous day, known to the LORD, not day and night, for in the evening time there shall be light. 那将是独特的一天,只有上主知道的一天,没有白天黑夜,夜间仍有光明。 8 On that day, living waters shall flow from 在那一天,必有活水从耶路撒冷流出,一半流往东海,一半流往西海;冬夏川流不息。 9 The LORD shall become king over the whole earth; on that day the LORD shall be the only one, and his name the only one. 上主必做普世的君王;在那一天,只有惟一的上主,只有衪惟一的圣名。 10 And from Geba to Rimmon in the Negeb, all the land shall turn into a plain; but 到那一天,由革巴直到耶路撒冷南部的黎孟,整个地面都要变成平原,而耶路撒冷仍耸立在原处;从本雅明门到旧门,即角门,由哈纳乃耳到君王的榨酒池, 11 they shall occupy her. Never again shall she be doomed; 仍有人居住;其中再没有毁灭,人们将安居在耶路撒冷。 12 And this shall be the plague with which the LORD shall strike all the nations that have fought against 这是上主要用来打击那些凡进攻耶路撒冷的民族的灾难:他们的双脚还直立时,他们的肉就已经腐烂;他们的眼珠就已经在眼窝里腐烂;他们的舌头就已经在口里腐烂。 13 On that day there shall be among them a great tumult from the LORD: every man shall seize the hand of his neighbor, and the hand of each shall be raised against that of his neighbor. 到那一天,在他们们中必有来自上主的一场大混乱:一人抓住另一人的手,彼此动手打斗。 14 连犹大也要在耶路撒冷作战,四周一切异民的财物都必被聚集起来:金子、银子、衣服,多得不可胜数。 15 Similar to this plague shall be the plague upon the horses, mules, camels, asses, and upon all the beasts that are in those camps. 同样,战马、骡子、骆驼、驴和在营盘内所有的牲畜,都必遭受与这灾祸同样的灾祸。 16 All who are left of all the nations that came against 凡曾来进攻耶路撒冷的民族中尚存的人民,必将年年上来朝拜君王,万军的上主,举行帐棚节。 17 If any of the families of the earth does not come up to 但是,凡地上各民族中,有不上耶路撒冷来朝拜君王,万军上主的,为他们就没有雨露。 18 And if the family of Egypt does not come up, or enter, upon them shall fall the plague which the LORD will inflict upon all the nations that do not come up to celebrate the feast of Booths. 如果埃及民族不上来参加,那么上主打击那不上来举行帐棚节的民族的灾祸,必要落在他们身上: 19 This shall be the punishment of 这是埃及和凡不上来举行帐棚节的民族所要遭受的惩罚。 20 On that day there shall be upon the bells of the horses, "Holy to the LORD." The pots in the house of the LORD shall be as the libation bowls before the altar. 21 And every pot in 而且在耶路撒冷和犹大所有的锅,都是祝圣与万军的上主的;凡愿献祭的人,必用这些锅来煮祭肉。到那一天,在万军的上主的殿里,必再没有一个商人。 Footnotes(注解) 1 [1-21] An apocalyptic description of the day of the Lord, in which Jerusalem, the figure of God's elect, after much suffering (siege: Zechariah 14:1-3; riot: Zechariah 14:13; plague: Zechariah 14:12, 15), is rescued by the Lord (Zechariah 14:4-5) and given great blessings (Zechariah 14:6-11, 14, 16-21). |