Zechariah 1 1 On that day there shall be open to the house of David and to the inhabitants of 在那一天,为达味家和耶路撒冷的居民将开放一个水泉,为洗涤罪过和不洁。 2 On that day, says the LORD of hosts, I will destroy the names of the idols from the land, so that they shall be mentioned no more; I will also take away the prophets and the spirit of uncleanness from the land. 在那一天──万军上主的断语──我要由地上铲除一切偶像的名号,不再为人所记念;并且我还要将假先知们和不洁的神由地上灭绝。 3 If a man still prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall say to him, "You shall not live, because you have spoken a lie in the name of the LORD." When he prophesies, his parents, father and mother, shall thrust him through. 将来,如果有人还要冒充先知,生养他的父母必要对他说:你不能生存,因为你藉上主的名字说了谎话。生养他的父母就在他说妙语时,要把他刺死。 4 2 On that day, every prophet shall be ashamed to prophesy his vision, neither shall he assume the hairy mantle to mislead, 在那一天,每个假先知,在他说妙语时,必因自己的神视感到羞惭;他们必不再穿毛外氅,去行欺骗; 5 but he shall say, "I am no prophet, I am a tiller of the soil, for I have owned land since my youth." 他反要说:我不是先知,我是一个种田的人,因为我自幼就以务农为业。 6 3 And if anyone asks him, "What are these wounds on your chest?" he shall answer, "With these I was wounded in the house of my dear ones." 若有人问他说:怎么在你两手上有这些伤痕?他要答说:那是我在爱我的人家里所受的伤。 7 4 Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, against the man who is my associate, says the LORD of hosts. Strike the shepherd that the sheep may be dispersed, and I will turn my hand against the little ones. 刀剑,起来攻击我的牧人,攻击那作我同伴的人──万军上主断语。打击牧人,羊群就要四散,然而我要向那弱小的羊伸出我的手。 8 In all the land, says the LORD, two thirds of them shall be cut off and perish, and one third shall be left. 将来在全国──上主的断语──三分之二必被铲除而死去,其中只留下三分之一。 9 I will bring the one third through fire, and I will refine them as silver is refined, and I will test them as gold is tested. They shall call upon my name, and I will hear them. I will say, "They are my people," and they shall say, "The LORD is my God." 我要使这三分之一经过火炼,炼净他们如同炼净银子,试验他们如同试验金子。他们必要呼号我的名字我也必要俯听他们;我要说:"这是我的百姓。"他们每人也要说:"上主是我的天主"。 Footnotes(注解) 1 [1] A fountain to purify from sin: in contrast to the lustral water used in ritual purification; cf Numbers 19:9, 13, 20; 31:23. The Lord himself is the fountain of living water (Jeremiah 2:13); cf Isaiah 12:2-4. 2 [4] Hairy mantle: worn by prophets as a mark of their calling; cf 2 Kings 1:8; Matthew 3:4. 3 [6] Wounds on your chest: literally, "wounds between your hands." The false prophets, like the prophet of Baal (1 Kings 18:28), apparently inflicted wounds on themselves; to defend himself against the accusation of being a false prophet, a man will deny having inflicted wounds on himself and say instead that he received them at home, "in the house of my dear ones." In the liturgy this test is applied to Christ in an accommodated sense. 4 [7] When the shepherd is killed, the sheep are scattered. In Matthew 26:31 the Evangelist quotes from this verse, in somewhat different form, the words, I will smite the shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered, as said by Christ shortly before his arrest in the |