Lamentations 1 Remember, O LORD, what has befallen us, look, and see our disgrace: 上主,求你眷念我们的遭遇,垂顾怜视我们受的耻辱。 2 Our inherited lands have been turned over to strangers, our homes to foreigners. 我们的产业,转入外人手中;我们的房舍,归属了异邦人。 3 We have become orphans, fatherless; widowed are our mothers. 我们自己变成了无父的孤儿,我们的母亲好象寡妇一样。 4 The water we drink we must buy, for our own wood we must pay. 我们自己的水,必须用钱买来喝;我们自己的木柴,需要用款换来。 5 On our necks is the yoke of those who drive us; we are worn out, but allowed no rest. 重轭加在我们的颈项上,受人折磨迫害;我们困惫疲乏,不得安息。 6 1 To 我们向埃及伸手,向亚述乞食充饿。 7 2 Our fathers, who sinned, are no more; but we bear their guilt. 我们的祖先犯了罪,已不存在;我们却要承担他们的罪债; 8 3 Slaves rule over us; there is no one to rescue us from their hands. 原是奴隶的人,竟然统治我们,但没有人解救我们,脱离他们的手。 9 At the peril of our lives we bring in our sustenance, in the face of the desert heat; 我们面临旷野刀剑的威胁,该冒性命的危险,才能得到食粮。 10 Our skin is shriveled up, as though by a furnace, with the searing blasts of famine. 我们的皮肤因饥饿而发炎,发热有如火炉。 11 The wives in 12 Princes were gibbeted by them, elders shown no respect. 王臣被人缚手吊起,长老的仪容受人凌辱, 13 The youths carry the millstones, boys stagger under their loads of wood; 青年人应该服役推磨,幼童倒在柴捆之下。 14 4 The old men have abandoned the gate, the young men their music. 长老们不再安坐城门口,青年们不再奏乐高歌。 15 The joy of our hearts has ceased, our dance has turned into mourning; 我们心中已毫无乐趣,我们的歌舞反而变成悲愁。 16 The garlands have fallen from our heads: woe to us, for we have sinned! 我们头上的花冠已经堕地。我们犯罪的人,确是有祸的! 17 Over this our hearts are sick, at this our eyes grow dim: 我们的心神所以彷徨,我们的眼睛所以模糊; 18 That Mount 19 You, O LORD, are enthroned forever; your throne stands from age to age. 上主,至于你,你永远常存,你的宝座万世不替。 20 Why, then, should you forget us, abandon us so long a time? 为什么你常忘记我们?为什么你常拋弃我们? 21 Lead us back to you, O LORD, that we may be restored: give us anew such days as we had of old. 上主,求你叫我们归向你,我们必定回心转意;求你重整我们的时代,如同往昔一样。 22 For now you have indeed rejected us, and in full measure turned your wrath against us. 你岂能完全摈弃我们,岂能向我们愤怒到底? Footnotes(注解) 1 [6] In its state of abjection, 2 [7] Our fathers: collective responsibility, for good and for evil, was recognized in the Old Testament; cf Jeremiah 31:29. But the present generation is also personally guilty of sin (Lam 5:16). 3 [8] Administrations imposed by foreign powers were notoriously corrupt and inept. The Hebrew word for "slave" is the same as that used for an official (servant of the ruler); the author doubtless intends the double meaning here. 4 [14] The gate: the place of assembly, where city decisions were made and judgment given by the elders and other notables; see note on Ruth 4:1. |