Isaiah 1 1 2 Ah, land of buzzing insects, beyond the rivers of 2 Sending ambassadors by sea, in papyrus boats on the waters! Go, swift messengers, to a nation tall and bronzed, To a people dreaded near and far, a nation strong and conquering, whose land is washed by rivers. 即由海上遣发使者,在海面上乘芦舟的:“去罢!轻快的使者!到一个高瘦肤褐的民族那里去,到一个一向可畏的国家那里去,到一个强大而好胜,河流横贯其地的民族那里去!” 3 All you who inhabit the world, who dwell on earth, When the signal is raised on the mountain, look! When the trumpet blows, listen! 举世的居民和住在大地上的人哪!当山上的旗帜一举,你们要观望;号声一响,你们要静听! 4 For thus says the LORD to me: I will quietly look on from where I dwell, Like the glowing heat of sunshine, like a cloud of dew at harvest time. 因为上主曾对我这样说:“我要在我的住处宁静地观察,彷佛日光中温暖的热气,彷佛收割时炎热中的露云。” 5 Before the vintage, when the flowering is ended, and the blooms are succeeded by ripening grapes, Then comes the cutting of branches with pruning hooks and the discarding of the lopped-off shoots. 因为在收割前,花苞已放;花蒂成熟结为葡萄时,他就要用镰刀砍去嫩枝,将参差的枝蔓斩除。 6 They shall all be left to the mountain birds of prey, and to the beasts in the land; The birds of prey shall summer on them and on them all the beasts of the earth shall winter. 这些枝蔓都要一律被弃舍给山中的猛禽,和地上的野兽;猛禽要在其上过夏,野兽要在其上过冬。 7 Then will gifts be brought to the LORD of hosts from a people tall and bronzed, from a people dreaded near and far, a nation strong and conquering, whose land is washed by rivers-to 到那时,那高瘦肤褐的民族,那一向可畏的国家,那强大而好胜,河流横贯其地的民族,要带礼品到熙雍山上,万军上主的名号的居所,献给万军的上主。 Footnotes(注解) 1 [1-2] Papyrus boats: light and serviceable vessels made of bundles of papyrus stalks and sealed with pitch. 2 [1] Land of buzzing insects: the region of the |