Isaiah 1 Oracle on 有关埃及的神谕:看,上主乘着轻快的彩云,来到了埃及,埃及的偶像在他面前战栗,埃及人的心灵在己身内消溶。 2 I will rouse 我要激动埃及人相反埃及人,使人人与自己的兄弟相斗,人人与自己的近人作对,城与城争,国与国战。 3 The courage of the Egyptians ebbs away within them, and I will bring to nought their counsel; They shall consult idols and charmers, ghosts and spirits. 埃及的精神要纷乱,我要混乱她的计谋;为此他们必要去卜问神明、巫觋、阴魂和术士。 4 1 I will deliver 我要把埃及交在暴君手中,暴虐的君王要统治他们──这是主,万军上主的断语。 5 The waters shall be drained from the sea, the river shall shrivel and dry up; 海洋的水将干涸,江河将荒凉干旱; 6 Its streams shall become foul, and the canals of 7 and bulrushes on the bank of the Nile; All the sown land along the 河畔的芦苇必将枯萎,沿河的植物,尽将凋零,吹散,消灭。 8 The fishermen shall mourn and lament, all who cast hook in the 渔夫必要呻吟叹息,河畔垂钓者必要悲伤,水面撒网者必要沮丧。 9 The linen-workers shall be disappointed, the combers and weavers shall turn pale; 10 The spinners shall be crushed, all the hired laborers shall be despondent. 她的显贵将受轻视,受雇的工人莫不意志消沉。 11 2 Utter fools are the princes of Zoan! the wisest of Pharaoh's advisers give stupid counsel. How can you say to Pharaoh, "I am a disciple of wise men, of ancient kings"? 左罕的首领极其愚蠢,法郎的谋士出的,尽是胡涂计谋;你们怎敢对法郎说:“我是贤者的子孙,古代帝王的后裔?” 12 Where then are your wise men? Let them tell you and make known What the LORD of hosts has planned against 你的贤士如今在那里?何不让他们告诉你知道,万军的上主对埃及打了什么主意! 13 The princes of Zoan have become fools, the princes of 14 The LORD has prepared among them a spirit of dizziness, And they have made 上主在他们中间注入了昏神,叫他们使埃及在自己所作的事上无不错乱,有如醉汉在呕吐中打滚。 15 3 不论是为首的、为尾的、为棕枝的、或为芦苇的作什么,为埃及无所作为。 16 On that day the Egyptians shall be like women, trembling with fear, because of the LORD of hosts shaking his fist at them. 17 And the 犹大地将成为埃及的恐怖;凡提及她的,无不对万军的上主对埃及所打的主意而害怕。 18 4 On that day there shall be five cities in the land of Egypt speaking the language of Canaan and swearing by the LORD of hosts; one shall be called "City of the Sun." 到那天,在埃及境内将有五座城说客纳罕话,并指着万军的上主起誓,且有一座称作“太阳城。” 19 On that day there shall be an altar to the LORD in the 到那天,在埃及地域中,将有一座献与上主的祭坛,在她的边界上,将有一个为上主建立的石柱。 20 It shall be a sign and a witness to the LORD of hosts in the 这在埃及境内,将成为万军上主的记号和证据:当他们面临迫害呼号上主时,他必给他们遣发一位救主,来奋斗拯救他们。 21 The LORD shall make himself known to 到那天,上主将为埃及所认识,埃及要认识上主,并奉献牺牲和祭品,向上主许愿还愿。 22 Although the LORD shall smite 上主将打击埃及,打击只是为医治;他们要归依上主,上主要俯听他们,要医治他们。 23 On that day there shall be a highway from 到那天,将有一条大路,由埃及通至亚述:亚述人要到埃及去,埃及人要到亚述来;埃及和亚述将共同敬拜上主。 24 On that day 到那天,以色列将属第三,联同埃及和亚述成为大地上受祝福的, 25 when the LORD of hosts blesses it: "Blessed be my people 因为万军的上主曾这样降福说:“我的百姓埃及,我双手的工程亚述,我的嗣业以色列,是应受降福的!” Footnotes(注解) 1 [4] Cruel master: the king of 2 [11,13] Zoan, later known as 3 [15] Head or tail, palm branch or reed: the leaders or the people; cf Isaiah 9:13, 14. 4 [18] Five cities: colonies of Jews living together and speaking their languages, Hebrew and Aramaic; cf Jer 43. City of the Sun: the meaning is uncertain, but the reference seems to be to the city known later as Heliopolis. |