Ezekiel 1 On the first day of the. . . month in the eleventh year, the word of the LORD came to me: 2 Son of man, because of what "人子,因为提洛讥笑耶路撒冷说:‘哈哈!众民的门户已破坏,已转让与我;我要富强,她反要荒芜。’ 3 therefore thus says the Lord GOD: See! I am coming at you, 为此吾主上主这样说:提洛,看,我要攻击你,引领众民像滚来的海潮来攻击你。 4 1 They shall destroy the walls of 他们要破坏提洛的城墙,荡平角楼,而我要扫除其中的尘土,使她成为光滑的盘石, 5 She shall be a drying place for nets in the midst of the sea. I have spoken, says the Lord GOD: and she shall be booty for the nations. 作为海中晒网的地方:这是我,上主亲自说的──吾主上主的断语──她必成为异民的掠物。 6 2 And her daughters on the mainland shall be slaughtered by the sword; thus they shall know that I am the LORD. 那在陆地上的属城,必毁于刀剑:如此,他们要承认我是上主。 7 For thus says the Lord GOD: I am now bringing up against 因为吾主上主这样说:看,我要使王中之王,巴比伦王拿步高,从北方率领战马、战车、骑兵和庞大的联军来攻打提洛。 8 Your daughters on the mainland he shall slay with the sword; He shall place a siege tower against you, cast up a ramp about you, and raise his shields against you. 9 He shall pound your walls with battering-rams and break down your towers with his weapons. 10 The surge of his horses shall cover you with dust, amid the noise of steeds, of wheels and of chariots. Your walls shall shake as he enters your gates, even as one enters a city that is breached. 你要为他大批战马所掀起的尘土所掩盖,你的城墙要为他的骑兵、车轮和战车的轰轰声所震动;当他进入你的城门时,好象进入一座已征服的城。 11 With the hoofs of his horses he shall trample all your streets; Your people he shall slay by the sword; your mighty pillars he shall pull to the ground. 他战马的铁蹄要踏遍你的街道,他将用刀剑屠杀你的人民,且把你的神柱推倒在地。 12 Your wealth shall be plundered, your merchandise pillaged; Your walls shall be torn down, your precious houses demolished; Your stones, your timber, and your clay shall be cast into the sea. 他们要抢掠你的财富,劫夺你的货品,破坏你的城垣,拆毁你豪华的宫室,并把你的石头、木材和瓦砾拋到海中。 13 I will put an end to the noise of your songs, and the sound of your lyres shall be heard no more. 我要使你的歌声停止,再也听不到你的琴声。 14 I will make you a bare rock; a drying place for nets shall you be. Never shall you be rebuilt, for I have spoken, says the Lord GOD. 我要使你成为光滑的盘石,成为晒网的干地;你将永不得重建,因为是我,上主说的──吾主上主的断语。 15 Thus says the Lord GOD to 吾主上主论提洛这样说:当屠刀在你中间屠杀之时,受伤者呻吟之际,你倾倒之声,群岛听了,岂不震动? 16 3 All the princes of the sea shall step down from their thrones, lay aside their robes, and strip off their embroidered garments. They shall be clothed in mourning and, sitting on the ground, they shall tremble at every moment and be horrified at you. 所有海上的王子都要由宝座上下来,除去朝服,脱下锦衣,皆为恐怖所笼罩,坐在地上,不停地战栗,为你而惊骇。 17 Then they shall utter a lament over you: How have you perished, gone from the seas, city most prized! Once she was mighty on the sea, she and her dwellers, Who spread terror into all that dwelt by the sea. 18 On this, the day of your fall, the islands quake! The isles in the sea are terrified at your passing. 现今,群岛在你倾覆之日大为震动,海中岛屿为了你的结局,甚为恐惧。 19 For thus says the Lord GOD: When I make you a city desolate like cities that are no longer inhabited, when I churn up the abyss against you, and its mighty waters cover you, 因为吾主上主这样说:当我使你成为一座荒芜,像无人居住的城池时,当我使深渊上升,使大水淹没你时, 20 4 then I will thrust you down with those who descend into the pit, those of the bygone age; and I will make you dwell in the nether lands, in the everlasting ruins, with those who go down to the pit, so that you may never return to take your place in the land of the living. 我要把你推下,与先前下到阴府的古人在一起;我要使你住在极深之处,即住在久已荒芜之地;与下到阴府的人在一起,以致你再不得返回,在生活的大地上复兴。 21 I will make you a devastation, and you shall be no more; you shall be sought, but never again found, says the Lord GOD. 我要使你成为恐怖的对象,永不复存在;即便人找你,也永远再找不到──吾主上主的断语。" Footnotes(注解) 1 [4-5] A bare rock: the Tyre of Ezekiel's time was situated on a rocky island just off the Phoenician coast; it was not until the time of Alexander the Great that it was connected by a causeway to the mainland. 2 [6] Her daughters: tributary towns and villages on the mainland. 3 [16] The princes of the sea: the rulers of the islands and coastal cities leagued commercially with 4 [20] Those who descend into the pit: the dead, pictured as dwelling in a place or cave of darkness. |