Isaiah 1 1 Seven women will take hold of one man on that day, saying: "We will eat our own food and wear our own clothing; Only let your name be given us, put an end to our disgrace!" 那一日,七个女人要抓住一个男人说:“我们吃自己的食粮,穿自己的衣服,只要你容许我们归你名下,除去我们的耻辱。” 2 2 On that day, The branch of the LORD will be luster and glory, and the fruit of the earth will be honor and splendor for the survivors of 3 3 He who remains in 凡留在熙雍的,遗在耶路撒冷的,即凡录在耶路撒冷的生命册上的,都必将称为圣者。 4 When the Lord washes away the filth of the daughters of 当吾主以惩治的神和毁灭的神,洗净熙雍女子的污秽,涤除耶路撒冷中间的血渍时, 5 Then will the LORD create, over the whole site of 上主将显现在熙雍山整个地盘与其集会之上:白日借着云烟,黑夜借光亮的火焰;因为在一切之上,有上主的荣耀,有如天盖和帐棚, 6 For over all, his glory will be shelter and protection: shade from the parching heat of day, refuge and cover from storm and rain. 白日作荫影以免炎暑,又可作庇护,以避狂风暴雨。 Footnotes(注解) 1 [1] Seven women . . . one man: the disproportion of the sexes due to war leaves the female population almost without male partners. The women are eager to marry, not for support, but to avoid the disgrace of being childless. 2 [2] Branch of the LORD: divine blessings in general, which later culminated in the Messiah; cf Jeremiah 23:5; Zechariah 3:8; 6:12. 3 [3] Marked down for life: in God's list of his elect; cf Exodus 32:32. |