Joshua 1 When all the kings of the Amorites to the west of the 住在约但河西岸所有的阿摩黎人的王子,和所有靠近海滨的客纳罕人的王子,一听见上主使约但河水在以色列子民面前干涸了,直到他们都过了河,无不胆战心惊,面对以色列子民,个个吓得魂不附体。 2 On this occasion the LORD said to Joshua, "Make flint knives and circumcise the Israelite nation for the second time." 那时上主对若苏厄说:"你应制造火石刀,再给以色列子民行割损。" 3 1 So Joshua made flint knives and circumcised the Israelites at Gibeath-haaraloth, 若苏厄就制造了火石刀,在阿辣罗特山丘给以色列子民行了割损。 4 under these circumstances: Of all the people who came out of 若苏厄行割损的原因,是因为由埃及出来的众百姓,所有能作战的男子,出埃及后,都死在旷野的路上。 5 Though all the men who came out were circumcised, none of those born in the desert during the journey after the departure from 出离埃及的百姓,都受过割损,但在离开埃及以后,生于旷野路途的百姓,都没有受过割损。 6 Now the Israelites had wandered forty years in the desert, until all the warriors among the people that came forth from 以色列子民在旷野里漂泊了四十年,直到全民众,即出离埃及能作战的男子都去了世,因为他们没有听从上主的话,所以上主曾向他们起誓,决不许他们看到上主向他们的祖先起誓,要赐给我们的那流奶流蜜的地方。 7 It was the children whom he raised up in their stead whom Joshua circumcised, for these were yet with foreskins, not having been circumcised on the journey. 但为接替他们,上主兴起了他们的子孙,若苏厄就给他们行了割损,──他们仍有包皮,因为他们在路上没有受过割损。 8 When the rite had been performed, the whole nation remained in camp where they were, until they recovered. 民众全受了割损以后,便往在营中,直到痊愈。 9 2 Then the LORD said to Joshua, "Today I have removed the reproach of Egypt from you." Therefore the place is called Gilgal to the present day. 上主于是对若苏厄说:"今天我由你们身上割去了埃及的耻辱。"因此,那地方直到今天叫作基耳加耳。 10 3 While the Israelites were encamped at Gilgal on the plains of 以色列子民在基耳加耳扎了营;正月十四日晚上,在耶里哥平原举行了逾越节。 11 On the day after the Passover they ate of the produce of the land in the form of unleavened cakes and parched grain. On that same day 逾越节次日,他们吃了当地的出产,即在那一天,吃了无酵饼和烤的麦子。 12 after the Passover on which they ate of the produce of the land, the manna ceased. No longer was there manna for the Israelites, who that year ate of the yield of the 他们吃了当地的出产的次日,"玛纳"就停止了。以色列子民既没有了"玛纳",那年就以客纳罕地的出产为生。 13 4 While Joshua was near Jericho, he raised his eyes and saw one who stood facing him, drawn sword in hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, "Are you one of us or of our enemies?" 当若苏厄走近耶里哥时,举目一望,看见一个人立在他前面,手持脱鞘的刀。若苏厄走到那人面前问他说:"你是我们的人,还是我们仇敌的人?" 14 He replied, "Neither. I am the captain of the host of the LORD and I have just arrived." Then Joshua fell prostrate to the ground in worship, and said to him, "What has my lord to say to his servant?" 那人回答说:"不,我是上主军旅的元帅,刚来到这里。"若苏厄便俯伏至地,向他下拜说:"我主有什么事要指示自己的仆人呢?" 15 The captain of the host of the LORD replied to Joshua, "Remove your sandals from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy." And Joshua obeyed. 上主军旅的元帅对若苏厄说:"将你脚上鞋脱下,因为你站的地方是圣地。"若苏厄便照着做了。 Footnotes(注解) 1 [3] Gibeath-haaraloth: "Hill of the Foreskins." 2 [9] The place is called Gilgal: by popular etymology, because of the similarity of sound with the Hebrew word gallothi, "I have removed." Gilgal probably means "(the place of) the circle of standing stones." Cf Joshua 4:4-8. 3 [10] The month: the first month of the year, later called Nisan; see note on Joshua 3:15. The crossing of the 4 [5:13-6:26] The account of the siege of Jericho embraces: (1) The command of the Lord, through his angel, to Joshua (Joshua 5:13-6, 5); (2) Joshua's instructions to the Israelites, with a brief summary of how these orders were carried out (Joshua 6:6-11); (3) a description of the action on each of the first six days (Joshua 6:12-14); (4) the events on the seventh day (Joshua 6:15-26). |