Sirach 1 Every friend declares his friendship, but there are friends who are friends in name only. 凡是朋友都说:我结交了朋友;但有的朋友,却是有名无实的朋友。 2 Is it not a sorrow unto death when your bosom companion becomes your enemy? 如果同伴或朋友,变成了仇人,岂不是一件悲伤至死的事? 3 "Alas, my companion! Why were you created to blanket the earth with deceit?" 噢!这邪恶的偏向!你是从那里闯进来的,你想用凶恶和欺诈笼罩大地么? 4 A false friend will share your joys, but in time of trouble he stands afar off. 有的同伴,在朋友幸福时,就与他同乐;在患难时,却变成了仇人。 5 A true friend will fight with you against the foe, against your enemies he will be your shield-bearer. 一个真正的朋友,与朋友分忧,共同执剑反抗敌人。 6 Forget not your comrade during the battle, and neglect him not when you distribute your spoils. 你心里总不要忘记你真正的朋友,分派胜利品时,更不可忽略他。 7 Every counselor points out a way, but some counsel ways of their own; 8 Be on the alert when one proffers advice, find out first of all what he wants. For he may be thinking of himself alone; why should the profit fall to him? 对建议者,你要留神:先要知道他需要什么──因为他心中也为自己着想── 9 He may tell you how good your way will be, and then stand by to watch your misfortune. 10 Seek no advice from one who regards you with hostility; from those who envy you, keep your intentions hidden. 11 Speak not to a woman about her rival, nor to a coward about war, to a merchant about business, to a buyer about value, to a miser about generosity, to a cruel man about mercy, to a lazy man about work, to a seasonal laborer about the harvest, to an idle slave about a great task: pay no attention to any advice they give. 不要同妇女谈论她的情敌,不要同胆怯的人谈论作战的事,不要同商人谈论交易的事,不要同买主商议出卖的事,不要与负心人谈论感恩的事;不要和残忍的人提到慈善的事,不要同放荡的人谈及廉节的事,不要和怠惰的人商议任何劳力的事; 不要和长年的佣工讨论年底的事,不要和懒惰的奴仆讨论繁重的工作:对这些人,在这一切事上,你不用作任何商议; 12 Instead, associate with a religious man, who you are sure keeps the commandments; Who is like-minded with yourself and will feel for you if you fall. 13 Then, too, heed your own heart's counsel; for what have you that you can depend on more? 你要保持良心提醒你的事,因为没有比你的良心更忠实的。 14 A man's conscience can tell him his situation better than seven watchmen in a lofty tower. 善人的良心有时预告实情,远远胜于七个坐在高处观望的哨兵。 15 Most important of all, pray to God to set your feet in the path of truth. 在这一切事上,你该祈求至高者,引领你走真理的道路。 16 1 A word is the source of every deed; a thought, of every act. 各种工作的开端,在于立志;但在进行各种事业以前,应商量。 17 The root of all conduct is the mind; four branches it shoots forth: 人心是各种智谋的根子,由此根子生出四条枝桠: 18 Good and evil, death and life, their absolute mistress is the tongue. 善、恶、生、死;但全然统治这一切的,却是舌头。 19 A man may be wise and benefit many, yet be of no use to himself. 有的人精于教导许多人,但为他自己,却一无是处。 20 Though a man may be wise, if his words are rejected he will be deprived of all enjoyment. 21 When a man is wise to his own advantage, the fruits of his knowledge are seen in his own person; 22 When a man is wise to his people's advantage, the fruits of his knowledge are enduring: 贤明的人教导自己的民众;他智慧的成果,是恒久的。 23 Limited are the days of one man's life, but the life of 24 One wise for himself has full enjoyment, and all who see him praise him; 贤明的人在自己的民族中,享有光荣和信任, 25 One wise for his people wins a heritage of glory, and his name endures forever. 他的声誉千古流芳。 26 2 My son, while you are well, govern your appetite so that you allow it not what is bad for you; 我儿,在你的生活上,你应锻炼你的心灵,看见什么为它有害,就不要放任它。 27 For not every food is good for everyone, nor is everything suited to every taste. 因为不是任何事,为所有的人都有益,也不是任何事,所有的人都喜欢。 28 Be not drawn after every enjoyment, neither become a glutton for choice foods, 在一切欢宴上,要有节制,对于一切食物,不要贪吃; 29 For sickness comes with overeating, and gluttony brings on biliousness. 因为吃多了,容易积累成病,饮食过度,容易引起绞痛。 30 Through lack of self-control many have died, but the abstemious man prolongs his life. 由于饮食过度,许多人丧了命,有节制的人,反而延长寿命。 Footnotes(注解) 1 [16-25] Thoughts determine action. Wisdom is the source of good and life; folly, of evil and death (Sirach 36:16-18). If the fruits of a man's wisdom benefit himself, he may be praised in his own lifetime; if they benefit his people, his praise endures after him, in their lives (Sirach 37:19-25). 2 [26-30] Temperance and self-control should govern a man's appetite for food, which is intended not to destroy but to preserve life. |