Sirach 1 1 Hold the physician in honor, for he is essential to you, and God it was who established his profession. 应尊敬医生,因为他是非有不可的,也是上主造的。 2 From God the doctor has his wisdom, and the king provides for his sustenance. 治疗原是来自至高者;君王对医生也应送礼。 3 His knowledge makes the doctor distinguished, and gives him access to those in authority. 医生的学识使他抬头,在伟人面前,备受赞扬。 4 God makes the earth yield healing herbs which the prudent man should not neglect; 上主使大地生长药材,明智人决不轻视它们。 5 Was not the water sweetened by a twig that men might learn his power? 6 He endows men with the knowledge to glory in his mighty works, 至高者赐给人学识,是为叫人称赞他的奇工妙化。 7 Through which the doctor eases pain and the druggist prepares his medicines; 医生用药材治病,减少人的痛苦;药剂师用药材配制香甜的合剂,和治疗疾病的膏药。 8 Thus God's creative work continues without cease in its efficacy on the surface of the earth. 9 My son, when you are ill, delay not, but pray to God, who will heal you: 10 Flee wickedness; let your hands be just, cleanse your heart of every sin; 你应远离过犯,管治你的手,洗净你心中的一切罪恶; 11 Offer your sweet-smelling oblation and petition, a rich offering according to your means. 你应奉献馨香和上等面粉的记念祭品,照你能备办的,应奉献肥美的祭品。 12 Then give the doctor his place lest he leave; for you need him too. 但是也要请医生来诊治,因为他是上主造的,不要让他离开你,因为你需要他。 13 There are times that give him an advantage, 有时他们妙手回春; 14 and he too beseeches God That his diagnosis may be correct and his treatment bring about a cure. 故此他们也应该祈求上主,为使他们能给人安乐与健康,藉此维持自己的生活。 15 He who is a sinner toward his Maker will be defiant toward the doctor. 凡在造他的上主跟前犯罪的人,终会落在医生手里。 16 2 My son, shed tears for one who is dead with wailing and bitter lament; As is only proper, prepare the body, absent not yourself from his burial: 我儿,对死者,你应流泪痛哭,有如受重苦的人开始痛哭;又要按死者的身分,安葬他的遗体,不可轻忽对他的丧仪。 17 Weeping bitterly, mourning fully, pay your tribute of sorrow, as he deserves, 你要悲泣恸哭,且按死者的身分,举行丧仪。 18 One or two days, to prevent gossip; then compose yourself after your grief, 为避免人的非难,你要按死者的身份,追悼一天或两天,以后便要节哀; 19 For grief can bring on an extremity and heartache destroy one's health. 因为悲伤令人早死,且衰败人的体力,心中的忧苦,使人精神颓唐。 20 Turn not your thoughts to him again; cease to recall him; think rather of the end. 21 Recall him not, for there is no hope of his return; it will not help him, but will do you harm. 22 Remember that his fate will also be yours; for him it was yesterday, for you today. 死人好象对你说:“你当记得我的命运,因为你的命运,将来也是如此:昨天是我,今天是你。” 23 With the departed dead, let memory fade; rally your courage, once the soul has left. 死者既已长眠,忧苦的怀念即应停止;他既然断了气,你便该因他而感到安慰。 24 3 The scribe's profession increases his wisdom; whoever is free from toil can become a wise man. 经师的智慧,是从优闲中得来的;事务不繁忙的人,方能成为明智的人。 25 How can he become learned who guides the plow, who thrills in wielding the goad like a lance, Who guides the ox and urges on the bullock, and whose every concern is for cattle? 那执犁,自夸善用刺棒赶牛耕作,终日劳碌,言谈不离牛犊的,怎能成为明智的人? 26 His care is for plowing furrows, and he keeps a watch on the beasts in the stalls. 他专心于耕田的事,熬夜喂养母牛。 27 So with every engraver and designer who, laboring night and day, Fashions carved seals, and whose concern is to vary the pattern. His care is to produce a vivid impression, and he keeps watch till he finishes his design. 同样,工匠和工程师,度夜如日;雕刻匠镌刻图样,常设法改变花样,专心致志,力求酷肖,熬夜赶完自己的工作。 28 So with the smith standing near his anvil, forging crude iron. The heat from the fire sears his flesh, yet he toils away in the furnace heat. The clang of the hammer deafens his ears, His eyes are fixed on the tool he is shaping. His care is to finish his work, and he keeps watch till he perfects it in detail. 29 So with the potter sitting at his labor, revolving the wheel with his feet. He is always concerned for his products, and turns them out in quantity. 同样,陶工坐在自己作业的旁边,用脚转动机轮,心中常挂念自己的工作,他的工作全是有定数的; 30 With his hands he molds the clay, and with his feet softens it. His care is for proper coloring, and he keeps watch on the fire of his kiln. 31 All these men are skilled with their hands, each one an expert at his own task; 这些人,他们的希望全靠自己的一双手,各人对于自己的手艺,都很精通。 32 Without them no city could be lived in, and wherever they stay, they need not hunger. 若是没有这等人,便不会建造城池; 人也没有房屋住,没有道路可行。 33 They do not occupy the judge's bench, , nor are they prominent in the assembly; They set forth no decisions or judgments, nor are they found among the rulers; 34 Yet they maintain God's ancient handiwork, and their concern is for exercise of their skill. 他们坚持的,只在于制造世上的器具;他们祈求的,只在于技艺的工作。 Footnotes(注解) 1 [1-15] The profession of medicine comes from God, who makes the earth yield healing herbs and gives the physician knowledge of their virtue (Sirach 38:1-8). In illness the sick man should cleanse his soul from sin and petition God for help through an offering of sacrifice; the physician, too, does well to invoke God that he may understand the illness and apply the proper remedy (Sirach 38:9-14). The sinner, in contrast, defies both his Maker and the doctor (Sirach 38:15). 2 [16-23] A period of mourning for the deceased and care for their burial is becoming (Sirach 38:16-18). But grief should not be excessive, for it neither helps the dead, who cannot return, nor fails to harm the living. The mourner's own end will quickly follow, and the time to prepare for it is now (Sirach 38:19-23). 3 [38:24-39:11] More excellent than the useful service of craftsmen-farmer, engraver, smith, potter (Sirach 38:25-34)-is the profession of the scribe (Sirach 39:24), who studies and meditates on the law of the Most High, seeks him in prayer of thanksgiving, petition and repentance for sin (Sirach 39:1, 6, 7), explores the wisdom of the past and present, travels abroad to observe the conduct of many peoples, and attends rulers and great men. Through the spirit of understanding granted by God, he will show forth his wisdom to the glory of God's law, gaining renown for generations to come (Sirach 39:2-5, 8-11). |