2 Chronicles 1 When all the work undertaken by Solomon for the temple of the LORD had been completed, he brought in the dedicated offerings of his father David, putting the silver, the gold and all the other articles in the treasuries of the house of God. 撒罗满为上主的殿所作的一切工作完成了以后,遂将他父亲达味所奉献的礼品,金银和所有的器具运上来,存放在天主殿宇的府库里。 2 At Solomon's order the elders of 那时,撒罗满召集以色列的长老,各支派的首领和以色列子民各家族长,到耶路撒冷,将上主的约柜从达味城,即熙雍运上来。 3 All the men of 以色列人于是在七月的节日,都聚集到君王那里。 4 1 When all the elders of 5 and they carried the ark and the meeting tent with all the sacred vessels that were in the tent; it was the levitical priests who carried them. 将约柜和会幕,以及会幕内所有的圣器都抬上来;抬运的都是司祭和肋未人。 6 King Solomon and the entire community of Israel gathered about him before the ark were sacrificing sheep and oxen so numerous that they could not be counted or numbered. 撒罗满王和聚集在他那里的以色列全会众,在约柜前宰杀了牛羊,多得无法计算,不可胜数。 7 The priests brought the ark of the covenant of the LORD to its place beneath the wings of the cherubim in the sanctuary, the holy of holies of the temple. 司祭们将上主的约柜抬到殿的内部,即至圣所内,放在革鲁宾的翅膀下,那早已预备的地方。 8 The cherubim had their wings spread out over the place of the ark, sheltering the ark and its poles from above. 革鲁宾伸开翅膀遮在约柜的所在之上,所以革鲁宾在上面正遮着约柜和抬柜的扛杆。 9 2 The poles were long enough so that their ends could be seen from that part of the holy place nearest the sanctuary; however, they could not be seen beyond. The ark has remained there to this day. 这扛杆很长,扛头从内殿前的圣所里可以看见,在殿外却看不见;直到今天还在那里。 10 There was nothing in it but the two tablets which Moses put there on Horeb, the tablets of the covenant which the LORD made with the Israelites at their departure from 约柜内除了两块石版,没有别的东西:这是以色列子民出埃及后,上主与他们立约时,梅瑟在曷勒布山放在里面的。 11 When the priests came out of the holy place (all the priests who were present had purified themselves without reference to the rotation of their various classes), 当司祭从圣所出来时,─因为所有在场的司祭都自洁过,未分班次, 12 the Levites who were singers, all who belonged to Asaph, Heman, Jeduthun, and their sons and brothers, clothed in fine linen, with cymbals, harps and lyres, stood east of the altar, and with them a hundred and twenty priests blowing trumpets. 全体歌唱的肋未人,阿撒夫、赫曼、耶杜通,和他们的儿子以及他们同族的弟兄,一律穿著细麻的衣服,站在祭坛的东面,击钹、鼓瑟、弹琴;同他们在一起的,尚有一百二十位司祭吹号筒,─ 13 When the trumpeters and singers were heard as a single voice praising and giving thanks to the LORD, and when they raised the sound of the trumpets, cymbals and other musical instruments to "give thanks to the LORD, for he is good, for his mercy endures forever," the building of the LORD'S temple was filled with a cloud. 吹号筒的和歌唱的人都同声同调赞美上主。当他们配合号筒,铙钹和各种乐器,高声赞美上主说:“因为他是圣善的,因为他的仁慈永远常存”时,云彩充满了圣殿,即上主的殿, 14 The priests could not continue to minister because of the cloud, since the LORD'S glory filled the house of God. 致使司祭由于云彩不能继续奉职,因为上主的光荣充满了天主的殿。 Footnotes(注解) 1 [4] The Levites: The parallel passage in 1 Kings 8:3 has the priests; but see 2 Chron 5:5 where the Deuteronomic term levitical priests is used, as also in 2 Chron 23:18; 30:27. 2 [9] The ark has remained there to this day: the Chronicler must have copied this from his source (1 Kings 8:8) without reflecting that the ark was lost in the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem; cf 2 Macc 2:4-8. |