2 Chronicles 阿撒当国第三十六年,以色列王巴厄沙来进攻犹大,在辣玛修筑工事,防止人同犹大王阿撒来往。 2 Asa then brought out silver and gold from the treasuries of the temple of the LORD and of the royal palace and sent them to Ben-hadad, king of 当时阿撒拿出上主殿内和王宫府库中的金银,送给住在大马士革得阿兰王本哈达得说:“ 3 "There is a treaty between you and me, as there was between your father and my father. See, I am sending you silver and gold. Go, break your treaty with Baasha, king of 我与你之间,以及我父与你之间都立过约;现在我给你送来金银作为礼品,请你废除你与以色列王巴厄沙所立的约,使他离开我的国境。” 4 Ben-hadad agreed to King Asa's request and sent the leaders of his troops against the cities of 本哈达得听从了阿撒王的话,即刻派军长,去攻打以色列的城市,攻下了依雍、丹、阿贝耳玛因和纳斐塔里所有的屯货城。 5 When Baasha heard of it, he left off fortifying Ramah; he stopped his work. 巴厄沙一听说这事,立即停止在辣玛的工事。 6 Then King Asa commandeered all of 阿撒王遂征调全犹大人,将巴厄沙修筑辣玛所用的石头和木材运走,用来修筑革巴和米兹帕。 7 1 At that time Hanani the seer came to Asa, king of 那时,先见者哈纳尼来见犹大王阿撒,对他说:“因为你依靠了阿兰,而没有依靠上主你的天主,因此阿兰王的军队脱离了你。 8 Were not the Ethiopians and Libyans a vast army, with great numbers of chariots and drivers? And yet, because you relied on the LORD, he delivered them into your power. 雇士人和利比亚人不是一支很强大的军队吗?战车骑兵不是很多吗?但几时你依靠上主,他便将他们交在你的手中。 9 The eyes of the LORD roam over the whole earth, to encourage those who are devoted to him wholeheartedly. You have acted foolishly in this matter, for from now on you will have wars." 上主的眼遍察各地,对所有专心忠于他的,他必大显威能,加以扶助。你这事作得太无知了,今后你必要遭遇战祸。” 10 But Asa became angry with the seer and imprisoned him in the stocks, so greatly was he enraged at him over this. Asa also oppressed some of his people at this time. 阿撒对先见者发怒,将他囚在狱中;王在这事上实在生了大气,同时阿撒又虐待了一些百姓。 11 Now the acts of Asa, first and last, can be found recorded in the book of the kings of 阿撒的前后事迹,都记载在犹大和以色列列王实录上。 阿撒当国第三十九年,患了足疾,病得十分严重;他在病中不求上主,而只求医。 13 Asa rested with his ancestors; he died in the forty-first year of his reign. 阿撒在位四十一年逝世,与祖先同眠。 14 They buried him in the tomb he had hewn for himself in the City of 人们将他葬在达味城,自己所凿的坟墓,将他放在床上面,满堆香料,即照调香法所制的各种香料,又为他焚烧了很多的香料。 Footnotes(注解) 1 [7] The king of |