Psalms 1 1 For the leader. A psalm of David. 达味诗歌,交与乐官。 2 The LORD answer you in time of distress; the name of the God of Jacob defend you! 愿上主在忧患之日,俯允你,雅各伯天主的名,保佑你! 3 May God send you help from the temple, from Zion be your support. 愿他从圣所救护你,愿他由熙雍扶助你! 4 2 May God remember your every offering, graciously accept your holocaust, Selah 愿他追念你的一切祭献,愿他悦纳你的全燔祭献! 5 Grant what is in your heart, fulfill your every plan. 愿他满全你心中的志愿,愿他玉成你的一切筹算! 6 3 May we shout for joy at your victory, raise the banners in the name of our God. The LORD grant your every prayer! 我们要因你的胜利而欢舞,奉我们天主的名竖立旗鼓:你的一切请求,愿上主成就! 7 Now I know victory is given to the anointed of the LORD. God will answer him from the holy heavens with a strong arm that brings victory. 我深信上主必赏他的受傅者获胜,以无敌右手救拯,从神圣高天俯听。 8 Some rely on chariots, others on horses, but we on the name of the LORD our God. 他们或仗恃战车,他们或仗恃战马;我们只以上主,我们天主的名自夸。 9 They collapse and fall, but we stand strong and firm. 他们必将倒地丧命。我们却将挺身立定。 10 LORD, grant victory to the king; answer when we call upon you. 上主,求你赐于君王获胜,我们求你时,请俯允我们。 Footnotes(注解) 1 [Psalm 20] The people pray for the king before battle. The people ask for divine help (Psalm 20:2-6) and express confidence that such help will be given (Psalm 20:7-10). A solemn assurance of divine help may well have been given between the two sections in the liturgy, something like the promises of Psalm 12:6; 21:9-13. The final verse (Psalm 20:9) [10] echoes the opening verse. 2 [4] Remember: God's remembering implies readiness to act. Cf Genesis 8:1; Exodus 2:24 3 [6] Victory: the Hebrew root is often translated "salvation," "to save," but in military contexts it can have the specific meaning of "victory." |