Sirach 1 A wise magistrate lends stability to his people, and the government of a prudent man is well ordered. 聪明的长官,必教导自己的百姓;贤明者的施政,必然有条有理。 2 As the people's judge, so are his ministers; as the head of a city, its inhabitants. 人民的首领怎样,他的属下也怎样;市长如何,所有市民也如何。 3 A wanton king destroys his people, but a city grows through the wisdom of its princes. 品行不良的君王,必使人民丧亡;因首领的明智,市民必然增多。 4 Sovereignty over the earth is in the hand of God, who raises up on it the man of the hour; 统治大地的权柄,是在上主手里,万邦的一切不义,是可咒骂的,到了指定的时刻,天主必给大地兴起一位有才的人君。 5 Sovereignty over every man is in the hand of God, who imparts his majesty to the ruler. 民众的福利,是在上主手里,他必将自己的尊荣赐给立法者。 6 1 No matter the wrong, do no violence to your neighbor, and do not walk the path of arrogance. 不要因任何非理之事怀恨于人,也不要作出任何强横的事。 7 Odious to the LORD and to men is arrogance, and the sin of oppression they both hate. 骄傲在上主及人前是可憎恨的,不义为上主及人是可厌恶的。 8 Dominion is transferred from one people to another because of the violence of the arrogant. 因着不义、骄横和贪财,以及各种欺诈,统治权由这一民族,转移到另一民族。 9 2 Why are dust and ashes proud? even during life man's body decays; 没有什么比爱钱更邪恶的,因为这样的人,出卖自己的性命,他虽然还活着,他的五脏却已逐渐腐烂。 10 A slight illness--the doctor jests, a king today--tomorrow he is dead. 长久的疾病,令医生生厌。今日是君王,明日即死去,就如医生治疗小病一样的快速。 11 When a man dies, he inherits corruption; worms and gnats and maggots. 12 The beginning of pride is man's stubbornness in withdrawing his heart from his Maker; 骄傲的开端,始于人背离上主, 13 For pride is the reservoir of sin, a source which runs over with vice; Because of it God sends unheard-of afflictions and brings men to utter ruin. 因为骄傲是一切罪恶的起源;固执于骄傲的人,散布可憎恶的事,为此上主降下奇灾异祸,把他们完全消灭。 14 The thrones of the arrogant God overturns and establishes the lowly in their stead. 上主推翻傲慢君主的宝座,使谦逊的人坐上他们的宝座。 15 The roots of the proud God plucks up, to plant the humble in their place: 上主拔除傲慢民族的根苗,在他们的地方,却培植谦虚的人。 16 He breaks down their stem to the level of the ground, then digs their roots from the earth. 上主推翻了异民的国家,将它们毁灭,直到地基; 17 The traces of the proud God sweeps away and effaces the memory of them from the earth. 将他们由本国逐出,尽行消灭,并将他们的纪念,从世上除去。 18 Insolence is not allotted to a man, nor stubborn anger to one born of woman. 天主消灭傲慢人的纪念;心地谦逊人的纪念,反被保留。 19 3 Whose offspring can be in honor? Those of men. Which offspring are in honor? Those who fear God. Whose offspring can be in disgrace? Those of men. Which offspring are in disgrace? Those who transgress the commandments. 甚么种族是可尊敬的?是人类的种族;甚么种族是可尊敬的?是敬畏上主的人们;甚么种族是可轻视的?是人类的种族;甚么种族是可轻视的?是违犯诫命的人们。 20 Among brethren their leader is in honor; he who fears God is in honor among his people. 在兄弟们中,自己的领袖是可敬重的;敬畏上主的人们,在天主眼中,也是如此。 21 Be it tenant or wayfarer, alien or pauper, his glory is the fear of the LORD. 富贵人、有名誉的人和贫穷人的光荣,就是在乎敬畏上主。 22 It is not just to despise a man who is wise but poor, nor proper to honor any sinner. 不可藐视有智慧的穷人,也不可称赞富有的罪人。 23 The prince, the ruler, the judge are in honor; but none is greater than he who fears God. 伟人、判官、权贵,都应受敬重;但是他们之中,没有比敬畏上主的人更伟大。 24 When free men serve a prudent slave, the wise man does not complain. 自由的人服事明智的奴仆,明智而有纪律的人,虽受责备,仍不出怨言;不知敬畏天主的人,决不会受人敬重。 25 Flaunt not your wisdom in managing your affairs, and boast not in your time of need. 工作时,不要投机取巧;贫穷时,不要夸张。 26 Better the worker who has plenty of everything than the boaster who is without bread. 劳而致富的人,胜于自大,而无以果腹的人。 27 My son, with humility have self-esteem; prize yourself as you deserve. 我儿,你要端庄,自重自爱,对自己应保持相称的尊重。 28 Who will acquit him who condemns himself? who will honor him who discredits himself? 犯罪加害自己的人,谁能当他是义人?侮辱自己的人,谁又能尊重他? 29 The poor man is honored for his wisdom as the rich man is honored for his wealth; 贫苦人受人敬重,是因他的智慧,和敬畏天主之心;富贵人受人敬重,是因他的财富。 30 Honored in poverty, how much more so in wealth! Dishonored in wealth, in poverty how much the more! 在穷苦中受尊敬的人,富有时,岂不更受尊敬?在富有时,还受轻视,在贫穷时,更将如何? Footnotes(注解) 1 [6-18] Glory displayed through arrogance and pride is false and displeasing to God and men, because founded on dust and ashes (Sirach 10:6-11). It is the denial of the glory due to God, and therefore the source of all sin (Sirach 10:12-13). Even the memory of the proud is destroyed and God transfers their power to the lowly (Sirach 10:14-18). 2 [9-10] The text is uncertain. Its general implication is that man deteriorates physically even while alive: a slight illness today may be followed by death tomorrow. The uncertainty of life leaves no room for pride. 3 [19-11:6] Regardless of social barriers, genuine honor among men comes from fear of the Lord and a true estimate of self. The Lord exalts the lowly and oppressed; transgressors of the commandments merit dishonor and disgrace. |