Sirach 1 1 If you do good, know for whom you are doing it, and your kindness will have its effect. 你若施惠,应知道你是向谁施恩;这样你才能因你的恩惠,大得人心。 2 Do good to the just man and reward will be yours, if not from him, from the LORD. 对虔敬的人要施恩,这样,你必会获得大酬报;若你得不到他的酬报,必会蒙受至高者的酬报。 3 2 No good comes to him who gives comfort to the wicked, nor is it an act of mercy that he does. 习惯于行恶,而不肯施舍的人,对自己绝无好处,因为至高者憎恨罪人,而怜悯悔改的人。 4 Give to the good man, refuse the sinner; refresh the downtrodden, give nothing to the proud man. 你要施恩给虔敬的人,不要帮助罪人;存留不虔敬者和罪人到报复日子的天主,必要报复他们。 5 No arms for combat should you give him, lest he use them against yourself; 6 With twofold evil you will meet for every good deed you do for him. 因为,在你对他所施的一切恩惠中,你要得到双重的祸患; 7 The Most High himself hates sinners, and upon the wicked he takes vengeance. 原来至高者憎恨罪人,要向不虔敬的人复仇。 8 3 In our prosperity we cannot know our friends; in adversity an enemy will not remain concealed. 9 When a man is successful even his enemy is friendly; in adversity even his friend disappears. 人一幸福,他的仇人就闷闷不乐;一遇灾难,朋友也会离去。 10 Never trust your enemy, for his wickedness is like corrosion in bronze. 总不要信赖你的仇敌,因为他的恶毒有如生锈的铜铁。 11 4 Even though he acts humbly and peaceably toward you, take care to be on your guard against him. Rub him as one polishes a brazen mirror, and you will find that there is still corrosion. 12 Let him not stand near you, lest he oust you and take your place. Let him not sit at your right hand, lest he then demand your seat, And in the end you appreciate my advice, when you groan with regret, as I warned you. 不要让他立在你的身旁,免得他推倒你,而占据你的位置;不要任他坐在你的右边,免得他图占你的座位;你终究会明白我的话,对我的话,你会感到心疚。 13 Who pities a snake charmer when he is bitten, or anyone who goes near a wild beast? 谁同情被蛇咬伤的术士?谁同情亲近野兽的人?与恶人同行,而陷入他邪恶的人,亦无人怜惜。 14 So is it with the companion of the proud man, who is involved in his sins: 15 While you stand firm, he makes no bold move; but if you slip, he cannot hold back. 他一时与你相处,但你一落魄,他决不扶持你。 16 With his lips an enemy speaks sweetly, but in his heart he schemes to plunge you into the abyss. Though your enemy has tears in his eyes, if given the chance, he will never have enough of your blood. 17 If evil comes upon you, you will find him at hand; feigning to help, he will trip you up, 他眼中流泪,彷佛是来扶助你,其实,他是来绊你的脚; 18 Then he will nod his head and clap his hands and hiss repeatedly, and show his true face. 那时,他就要摇头鼓掌,出言不逊,现出他原来的面目。 Footnotes(注解) 1 [1-7] The limitations to the practice of charity here reflected were removed by Christ, who requires that good be done even to enemies and to those who hate, persecute and calumniate us (Matthew 5:43-48). 2 [3-5] The author advises against generosity to those who would abuse it. 3 [8-18] Through adversity friends are distinguished from enemies; to trust the latter or permit them intimacy is to invite disaster. Cf note on Sirach 6:5-17. 4 [11] Brazen mirror: see note on Exodus 38:8. |