Sirach 1 He who does so grows no richer; he who wastes the little he has will be stripped bare. 好醉酒的工人,不会致富;凡轻忽小事的,不久必会失足。 2 Wine and women make the mind giddy, and the companion of harlots becomes reckless. 醇酒与美女,迷惑明智人,使聪明人遭受责斥。 3 Rottenness and worms will possess him, for contumacious desire destroys its owner. 凡与娼妇结合的,必放荡不羁,必为腐烂与蛆虫所占有;人必将他提出来,作为殷鉴;冒失的人,必要丧亡。 4 He who lightly trusts in them has no sense, and he who strays after them sins against his own life. 5 1 He who gloats over evil will meet with evil, and he who repeats an evil report has no sense. 喜爱恶事的,必被定罪;厌恶劝戒的,必缩短自己的性命。憎恶闲谈的,必能避免邪恶。 6 Never repeat gossip, and you will not be reviled. 7 Tell nothing to friend or foe; if you have a fault, reveal it not, 不论是朋友,或是仇人,都不要向他们述说你的心意;假使你不吐露,为你不是罪过。 8 For he who hears it will hold it against you, and in time become your enemy. 因为,凡听你的人,必要防备你,时机一到,他就辨明自己无罪,而憎恨你,并且常要这样对待你。 9 Let anything you hear die within you; be assured it will not make you burst. 你听见了什么攻击别人的话吗?让它死在你心里;放心,它不会撑破你的。 10 When a fool hears something, he is in labor, like a woman giving birth to a child. 愚人为保守一句话,感到痛苦,有如临产的妇女。 11 Like an arrow lodged in a man's thigh is gossip in the breast of a fool. 一句话在愚人心里,就如一枝箭射在大腿上一样。 12 Admonish your friend--he may not have done it; and if he did, that he may not do it again. 你应质问朋友,也许他没有做;他若做了,叫他不要再做。 13 Admonish your neighbor--he may not have said it; and if he did, that he may not say it again. 你应质问邻人,也许他没有说;他若说了,叫他不要再说。 14 Admonish your friend--often it may be slander; every story you must not believe. 你应质问朋友,因为多次发生诬谤的事; 15 Then, too, a man can slip and not mean it; who has not sinned with his tongue? 因此,不可尽信所有的话。有人说滑了口,谁没有因自己的舌头犯过罪呢? 16 Admonish your neighbor before you break with him; thus will you fulfill the law of the Most High. 你应质问邻人,也许他没有说;他若说了,叫他不要再说。你要给至高者的法律留有余地。 17 2 All wisdom is fear of the LORD; perfect wisdom is the fulfillment of the law. 一切智慧,在于敬畏上主,就是叫人敬畏天主。齐全的智慧,乃是遵行法律。 18 The knowledge of wickedness is not wisdom, nor is there prudence in the counsel of sinners. 作恶的知识,不是智慧;罪人的计谋,也不是明智。 19 There is a shrewdness that is detestable, while the simple man may be free from sin. 有一种能干是讨厌的,有一种愚蒙,是缺乏智慧的。 20 There are those with little understanding who fear God, and those of great intelligence who violate the law. 寡知少识而敬畏天主的人,胜于多智而干犯至高者法律的人。 21 There is a shrewdness keen but dishonest, which by duplicity wins a judgment. 有一种奸滑的聪明,也是不义的;有一种人,为讨人喜欢,竟妄下论断。 22 There is the wicked man who is bowed in grief, but is full of guile within; 有一种坏人,外面表示谦恭后悔,心里却满怀欺诈。 23 He bows his head and feigns not to hear, but when not observed, he will take advantage of you: 有人低头装聋,假装看不见别人不知道的事,但是在你不提防时,他却来加害你。 24 Even though his lack of strength keeps him from sinning, when he finds the opportunity, he will do harm. 假使因软弱无力,不能犯罪,一旦遇到机会,他必要作恶。 25 One can tell a man by his appearance; a wise man is known as such when first met. 由外表,可以认识人;从面貌上,可以看出他是否明智。 26 A man's attire, his hearty laughter and his gait, proclaim him for what he is. 人的服装、喜笑和步伐,都表示他的为人。 Footnotes(注解) 1 [5-16] An excellent commentary on the eighth commandment of the Decalogue, forbidding intemperance in speech through calumny, rash judgment, and detraction (Sirach 19:5-6), and inculcating discreet silence in defense of self and of neighbor (Sirach 19:7-11). Justice requires that an accused neighbor be given a hearing, and charity urges fraternal correction; both together fulfill the law of the Most High (Sirach 19:12-16); cf Matthew 7:1-2; 18:15-16. 2 [17-26] True and false wisdom as here described are synonymous with virtue and vice, with the fulfillment of the law and the violation of it. |