Sirach 1 1 2 A great anxiety has God allotted, and a heavy yoke, to the sons of men; From the day one leaves his mother's womb to the day he returns to the mother of all the living, 自从人出离母胎那一天,直到埋葬,回到众生之母的怀中那一天,天主为每人指定了一项重大的职务;在亚当的子孙身上,放下了一付重担: 2 His thoughts, the fear in his heart, and his troubled forebodings till the day he dies— 各自焦虑,心中恐惧,担心将来和末日。 3 Whether he sits on a lofty throne or grovels in dust and ashes, 上自坐在光荣宝座上的,下至躺在灰土中的; 4 Whether he bears a splendid crown or is wrapped in the coarsest of cloaks— 上自穿紫衣戴冠冕的,下至穿粗麻布的, 5 Are of wrath and envy, trouble and dread, terror of death, fury and strife. Even when he lies on his bed to rest, his cares at night disturb his sleep. 6 So short is his rest it seems like none, till in his dreams he struggles as he did by day, Terrified by what his mind's eye sees, like a fugitive being pursued; 7 As he reaches safety, he wakes up astonished that there was nothing to fear. 若在得救的那一刻醒来了,他又惊奇自己无谓的怕情。 8 So it is with all flesh, with man and with beast, but for sinners seven times more. 凡有肉躯的,从人到禽兽,都是如此;但为罪人却加重七倍。 9 Plague and bloodshed, wrath and the sword, plunder and ruin, famine and death: 此外还有死亡、流血、斗争、刀剑、压迫、饥馑、困苦和鞭笞: 10 For the wicked, these were created evil, and it is they who bring on destruction. 这一切都是为罪犯而设的,而且为了他们的缘故,曾发生过洪水之患。 11 3 All that is of earth returns to earth, and what is from above returns above. 凡是从土来的,都要归于土;凡是从水来的,都要归于海。 12 All that comes from bribes or injustice will be wiped out, but loyalty remains for ages. 一切贿赂与不义之财,都要丧失;而忠诚却永存不灭。 13 Wealth out of wickedness is like a wadi in spate: like a mighty stream with lightning and thunder, 不义之人的财富,有如溪水,必要干涸,又如雨中大雷,一鸣即逝。 14 Which, in its rising, rolls along the stones, but suddenly, once and for all, comes to an end. 为富不仁的人,正当兴高彩烈时,忽然灭亡,因为为恶人并没有其它命运。 15 The offshoot of violence will not flourish, for the root of the godless is on sheer rock; 不虔敬者的后裔,枝叶不昌盛;不洁者的根子,只生在硬石上。 16 Or they are like reeds on the riverbank, withered before all other plants; 生在水旁及河岸上的芦苇,必在其它一切青草以前被人拔除。 17 4 But goodness will never be cut off, and justice endures forever. Wealth or wages can make life sweet, but better than either is finding a treasure. 18 A child or a city will preserve one's name, but better than either, attaining wisdom. 儿女及建设城市的事业,使人久享盛名;然而二者都不如爱好智慧。 19 Sheepfolds and orchards bring flourishing health; but better than either, a devoted wife; 拥有羊圈和果园的人,生活是美好的,然而比这两件事更有价值的,还是纯洁无瑕的妇女。 20 Wine and music delight the soul, but better than either, conjugal love. 美酒与音乐能悦乐人心,然而二者都不如夫妇的相亲相爱。 21 The flute and the harp offer sweet melody, but better than either, a voice that is true. 箫笛和琴瑟发出幽雅的声调,然而诚实的唇舌,更好过它们。 22 Charm and beauty delight the eye, but better than either, the flowers of the field. 优雅美丽,固然悦目,然而决比不上嫩绿的禾苗。 23 A friend, a neighbor, are timely guides, but better than either, a prudent wife. 朋友和伴侣固然能随时相会,然而他们远不如常与丈夫相偕的妇女。 24 A brother, a helper, for times of stress; but better than either, charity that rescues. 兄弟们患难相助,然而还不如救人的仁爱。 25 Gold and silver make one's way secure, but better than either, sound judgment. 金银使人脚步稳定,然而还不如一个好主意。 26 Wealth and vigor build up confidence, but better than either, fear of God. Fear of the LORD leaves nothing wanting; he who has it need seek no other support: 27 The fear of God is a paradise of blessings; its canopy, all that is glorious. 敬畏上主,好比一座蒙受祝福的花园,使人蒙受一切光荣。 28 5 My son, live not the life of a beggar, better to die than to beg; 我儿,在世上不要以行乞为生;与其行乞,还不如死去。 29 When one has to look to another's table, his life is not really a life. His neighbor's delicacies bring revulsion of spirit to one who understands inward feelings: 凡对别人的饭桌有所期待的人,他的生活,不能算是生活,因为他是用人家的饭,来污辱自己的灵魂; 30 In the mouth of the shameless man begging is sweet, but within him it burns like fire. Footnotes(注解) 1 [1-16] The former idyllic description of the universe is contrasted with the picture of the evils afflicting humanity. Every man, high or low, is burdened from birth to death with fears, anxieties and troubles, by day and often by night, the time appointed for rest (Sirach 40:1-7). For sinners, the suffering is much greater (Sirach 40:8-10). What they gained by violence and injustice is quickly destroyed; but justice endures forever (Sirach 40:14-16). 2 [1] Mother of all the living: the earth from which man was taken. Cf Genesis 2:7; 3:19-20; Job 1:21; Psalm 139:15. 3 [11] All that is of earth . . . returns above: a reference to bodily mortality and to the divine origin of life from the Spirit of God. Cf Sirach 41:10; Genesis 2:7; 3:19; Job 34:14-15; Psalm 104:29-30; 146:4; Eccl 12:7. The Greek and the Latin render the second half of the verse: "all waters shall return to the sea." 4 [17-27] Of the many treasures making life sweet, such as health, children, friends, music, vigor, the best are called true conjugal love, wisdom, and above all, fear of God; cf Sirach 25:6-11. 5 [28-30] Among the Jews, beggary was considered degrading to human dignity; it was agreeable only to the shameless, who had lost their sense of honor. Cf Sirach 29:22-23. |