Deuteronomy 1 This is the blessing which Moses, the man of God, pronounced upon the Israelites before he died. 这是天主的人梅瑟,死前赐予以色列子民的降福。 2 1 He said: "The LORD came from Sinai and dawned on his people from Seir; He shone forth from Mount Paran and advanced from Meribath-kadesh, While at his right hand a fire blazed forth and his wrath devastated the nations. 他说:"上主由西乃而来,从色依尔光照他的百姓,由帕兰山射出光辉,从卡德士的默黎巴前进,由他的右边有烈火发出。 3 2 But all his holy ones were in his hand; they followed at his feet and he bore them up on his pinions. 你实在爱你的人民,众圣者都在你手中;他们俯伏在你脚前,领受你的教导。 4 A law he gave to us; he made the community of Jacob his domain, 梅瑟给我们立定法律,作为雅各伯会众的产业时, 5 3 and he became king of his darling. When the chiefs of the people assembled and the tribes of 人民的首领与以色列支派会合时,上主在耶叔戎中作了王。 6 4 "May Reuben live and not die out, but let his men be few." 愿勒乌本生存,不至灭亡!愿他的人数不再减少!" 7 5 The following is for 他论及犹大这样说:"上主!愿你俯听犹大的声音,领他重归自己的民族;以你的手为他交战,协助他抵抗他的仇敌!" 8 6 Of Levi he said: "To Levi belong your Thummim, to the man of your favor your Urim; For you put him to the test at Massah and you contended with him at the waters of Meribah. 论及肋未说:"愿你将你的"突明"赐给肋未,将你的"乌陵",赐给对你虔诚的人,就是你在玛撒曾试探过,在默黎巴水旁曾考验过的人, 9 7 He said of his father,‘I regard him not'; his brothers he would not acknowledge, and his own children he refused to recognize. Thus the Levites keep your words, and your covenant they uphold. 也就是那些论及自己的父母说:我没有顾及他们,对自己的兄弟不加重视,对自己的子女也漠不关心的人!他们只遵守你的话,持守你的盟约。 10 They promulgate your decisions to Jacob and your law to 他们要将你的诫命教给雅各伯,将你的法律授给以色列;在你面前献上馨香,在祭坛上献上全燔祭。 11 Bless, O LORD, his possessions and accept the ministry of his hands. Break the backs of his adversaries and of his foes, that they may not rise." 上主!愿你降福他的勇力,悦纳他手中的作为;对反抗他的人,愿你打断他们的腰,使恼恨他的人,再也不得起立!" 12 Of Benjamin he said: "Benjamin is the beloved of the LORD, who shelters him all the day, while he abides securely at his breast." 论及本雅明说:"上主所钟爱的,他必安居乐业;至高者日日庇护他,住在他两肩之间。" 13 Of Joseph he said: "Blessed by the LORD is his land with the best of the skies above and of the abyss crouching beneath; 论及若瑟说:"愿他的地蒙受上主的降福!愿天上甘露,地下深藏的渊泉, 14 With the best of the produce of the year, and the choicest sheaves of the months; 因太阳而出产的美果,靠月亮而出产的宝物, 15 With the finest gifts of the age-old mountains and the best from the timeless hills; 太古山岳的珍品,永恒丘陵的美物, 16 8 With the best of the earth and its fullness, and the favor of him who dwells in the bush. These shall come upon the head of Joseph and upon the brow of the prince among his brothers, 地上的宝物及其富藏,以及住在荆棘丛中者的恩惠,都临到若瑟头上,降在兄弟中为首者的头顶上! 17 The majestic bull, his father's first-born, whose horns are those of the wild ox With which to gore the nations, even those at the ends of the earth." (These are the myriads of Ephraim, and these the thousands of Manasseh.) 他的健壮有如头胎的公牛,他的双角象是野牛的双角,用以抵触万民,直到地极。这是厄弗辣因的万军,即是默纳协的劲旅。" 18 Of Zebulun he said: "Rejoice, O Zebulun, in your pursuits, and you, Issachar, in your tents! 论及则步隆说:"则步隆!你要在旅途中喜乐;至于你、依撒加尔!你要在帐幕内欢乐。 19 9 You who invite the tribes to the mountains where feasts are duly held, Because you suck up the abundance of the seas and the hidden treasures of the sand." 他们要邀请人民上山,在那里奉献应献的祭祀,因为他们要吸收海洋的富饶,沙中潜藏的珠宝。" 20 Of Gad he said: "Blessed be he who has made Gad so vast! He lies there like a lion that has seized the arm and head of the prey. 论及加得说:"那使加得扩张的,应受赞美!他卧下仿佛一只母狮,撕裂了人的手臂和头颅。 21 10 He saw that the best should be his when the princely portion was assigned, while the heads of the people were gathered. He carried out the justice of the LORD and his decrees respecting 他为自己选取了为首的一分,因为那原是为首领保留的一分。他走在人民之前,执行了上主的法令,和他对以色列的旨意。" 22 11 Of Dan he said: "Dan is a lion's whelp, that springs forth from Bashan!" 论及丹说:"丹好似由巴商跳出的幼狮。" 23 12 Of Naphtali he said: "Naphtali is enriched with favors and filled with the blessings of the LORD; The lake and south of it are his possession!" 论及纳斐塔里说:"纳斐塔里,饱受恩爱,充满上主的降福,海和南部将是他的产业。" 24 13 Of Asher he said: "More blessed than the other sons be Asher! May he be the favorite among his brothers, as the oil of his olive trees runs over his feet! 论及阿协尔说:"众子中最受降福的是阿协尔;愿他获得兄弟的恩待,在油中洗脚! 25 May your bolts be of iron and bronze; may your strength endure through all your days!" 愿你有铜铁的门闩;愿你一生获享安宁!" 26 "There is no god like the God of the darling, who rides the heavens in his power, and rides the skies in his majesty; 没有一个象耶叔戎的天主的,他腾空驾云,在威严中来援助你。 27 He spread out the primeval tent; he extended the ancient canopy. He drove the enemy out of your way and the Amorite he destroyed. 亘古的天主是你的避难所,他永远的手臂是你的支柱;他由你面前驱走了敌人,是他向你下命说:毁灭罢! 28 因此,以色列能以安居乐业,雅各伯的后裔定居在产粮出酒之地,天也从上降下甘露。 29 How fortunate you are, O Israel! Where else is a nation victorious in the LORD? The LORD is your saving shield, and his sword is your glory. Your enemies fawn upon you, as you stride upon their heights." 以色列,你真是有福的;为上主所拯救的人民,有谁相似你?他是你护身的盾牌,是使你胜利的刀剑。你的仇敌必将奉承你,而你却要践踏他们的背脊。 Footnotes(注解) 1 [2-5,26-29] These verses seem to form an independent hymn describing, in the form of a theophany, the conquest of 2 [3] His holy ones were in his hand: the Israelites were protected by the Lord. 3 [5,26] The darling: see note on Deut 32:15. 4 [6] In keeping with the other blessings, probably this verse was once introduced by the phrase, "Of Reuben he said." It is to be noted that there is no blessing here for Simeon. 5 [7] Bring him to his people: this probably refers to the isolated position of the tribe of 6 [8] Thummim . . . Urim: see note on Exodus 28:30. 7 [9] The reference is probably to the Levites' slaughter of their brethren after the affair of the golden calf in the desert; cf Exodus 32:27-29. 8 [16] Him who dwells in the bush: a title given to the Lord because of his appearance to Moses in the burning bush; cf Exodus 3. 9 [19] The abundance of the seas: perhaps the wealth that comes from sea-borne trade or from fishing. The hidden treasures of the sand: possibly an allusion to the valuable purple dye extracted from certain marine shells found on the coast of northern 10 [21] The princely portion: Moses gave the tribe of Gad their land on the east of the Jordan only on condition that they would help the other tribes conquer the land west of the river; cf Numbers 32; Joshua 22. 11 [22] The sense is, "May he leap up like a lion of Bashan"; the heavily wooded hills of 12 [23] The lake: the 13 [24] The land of the tribe of Asher was covered with olive groves. |