Sirach 1 No evil can harm the man who fears the LORD; through trials, again and again he is safe. 敬畏上主的,决不会遭遇凶恶;受诱惑时,上主必一再保全他,由凶恶中拯救他。 2 He who hates the law is without wisdom, and is tossed about like a boat in a storm. 明智人不憎恶法律和正义;佯守法律的人,却像一只在波涛中飘荡的船。 3 1 The prudent man trusts in the word of the LORD, and the law is dependable for him as a divine oracle. 聪明人信赖天主的法律,法律也忠于他,犹如乌陵的神谕。 4 Prepare your words and you will be listened to; draw upon your training, and then give your answer. 解答问题时,先要准备应说的话;如此,人才听你;先将教训综合起来,然后才可作答。 5 2 Like the wheel of a cart is the mind of a fool; his thoughts revolve in circles. 愚人的心,好象车轮;他的思念,好似旋转的轮轴。 6 A fickle friend is like the stallion that neighs, no matter who the rider. 好嘲弄人的朋友,就如见了牝马的牡马,任何人骑它,它总是嘶鸣不已。 7 Why is one day more important than another, when it is the sun that lights up every day? 为什么这一天胜过那一天,虽然一年内,每天的光明,都是来自太阳? 8 It is due to the LORD'S wisdom that they differ; it is through him the seasons and feasts come and go. 太阳造成以后,循规蹈矩,因上主的智慧,日子才有了区别, 9 Some he dignifies and sanctifies, and others he lists as ordinary days. 他规定了不同的时令和季节,以便在那些时节内,依时庆祝一些节日:他将一些日子,提高列为圣日;将其余的日子,则列为平日。 10 So too, all men are of clay, for from earth man was formed; 众人都是从土来的,因为,亚当就是用土造成的。 11 Yet with his great knowledge the LORD makes men unlike; in different paths he has them walk. 上主以自己的绝大智慧,使众人各有分别,使他们的道路各有不同。 12 Some he blesses and makes great, some he sanctifies and draws to himself. Others he curses and brings low, and expels them from their place. 他们中有被他降福而抬举的,有被他祝圣,然后引他们亲近自己的;但也有被他诅咒和贬抑,从本位上被推翻的。 13 Like clay in the hands of a potter, to be molded according to his pleasure, So are men in the hands of their Creator, to be assigned by him their function. 14 As evil contrasts with good, and death with life, so are sinners in contrast with the just; 善与恶相对,生与死相峙,罪人也与虔敬人敌对: 15 See now all the works of the Most High: they come in pairs, the one the opposite of the other. 请看至高者的一切化工:无不两两相对,一一对立。 16 3 Now I am the last to keep vigil, like a gleaner after the vintage; 最后我也醒悟了,来搜集箴言,如同在收获葡萄的人后面,拾取残余的人; 17 Since by the LORD'S blessing I have made progress till like a vintager I have filled my wine press, 蒙上主的降福,我预先着手工作,也像收获葡萄的人一样,填满了我的榨酒池。 18 I would inform you that not for myself only have I toiled, but for every seeker after wisdom. 请注意!我不是单为我自己劳苦,也是为一切寻求教导的人。 19 4 Listen to me, O leaders of the multitude; O rulers of the assembly, give ear! 你们为民众官长的,请听我的话;你们为集会首领的,请侧耳静听。 20 Let neither son nor wife, neither brother nor friend, have power over you as long as you live. 几时你还在世上,不要将你的权柄,交给儿子、妻子、兄弟和朋友, 21 While breath of life is still in you, let no man have dominion over you. Give not to another your wealth, lest then you have to plead with him; 当你还活着,气息尚存的时候,不要让任何人支配你。也不要将你的产业,交与别人,怕你将来后悔,而有求于他们。 22 Far better that your children plead with you than that you should look to their generosity. 你的子女有求于你,胜于你望着你子女的手。 23 Keep control over all your affairs; let no one tarnish your glory. 24 When your few days reach their limit, at the time of death distribute your inheritance. 在你寿命结束之日,在你快要去世之时,应分清你的遗产: 25 Fodder and whip and loads for an ass; the yoke and harness and the rod of his master. 草料、棍杖、驮重,是属于驴的;面包、训戒、劳作,是属于仆人的。 26 Make a slave work and he will look for his rest; let his hands be idle and he will seek to be free. 你要吩咐他工作,这样你就可以放心;若你放任他,他就要找寻自由自在。 27 Food, correction and work for a slave; and for a wicked slave, punishment in the stocks. 28 Force him to work that he be not idle, for idleness is an apt teacher of mischief. 不断的工作,可以使仆人柔顺。因为,空闲教给人许多坏事。 29 Put him to work, for that is what befits him; if he becomes unruly, load him with chains. 要给他指定与他相宜的工作;若他不服从,就叫他带脚镣; 30 But never lord it over any human being, and do nothing unjust. 但对于任何人不要过分。未审度以先,什么重大的事也不要做。 31 If you have but one slave, treat him like yourself, for you have acquired him with your life's blood; 你若有一个忠信的仆人,对待他要如同对待你自己一样,因为他是你用血汗换来的; 32 If you have but one slave, deal with him as a brother, for you need him as you need your life: 要待他如同兄弟,因为你需要他,正如需要你自己一样。 33 If you mistreat him and he runs away, in what direction will you look for him? Footnotes(注解) 1 [3] Oracle: as the answer given through the Urim and Thummim to the high priest is true, so the law proves itself true to him who obeys it. Cf Exodus 28:30; Numbers 27:21. 2 [5-15] Contrasts observable in the physical universe as well as in the moral order serve the purposes of divine wisdom (Sirach 33:5-9). All creatures are like clay. . . in the hands of their Creator--the fool and the wise man, the sinner, and the just (Sirach 33:10-15). This does not imply that man is created to be a sinner: God is not the author of wickedness. Cf James 1:13-14. 3 [16-18] Here the author refers to himself as the most recent of the writers who have endeavored to present true wisdom to their readers. 4 [19-33] Public officials should reject every influence that would restrict their freedom in the management of their affairs. They must make their own household subservient to them rather than be subservient to it (Sirach 33:19-24). Slaves are to be given food and work and correction but never to be treated unjustly (Sirach 33:25-29). Great care should be taken of good slaves (Sirach 33:30-33). |