Isaiah 1 Woe to those who go down to 祸哉,那些南下埃及求救,依靠战马,信赖他们战车众多,依恃他们铁骑骁勇,而不仰望以色列的圣者,也不求问上主的人! 2 Yet he too is wise and will bring disaster; he will not turn from what he has threatened to do. He will rise up against the house of the wicked and against those who help evildoers. 但是上主仍然能降下灾祸,他决不收回自己的言语;他必要起来攻击恶人的家,攻击助人作恶的人。 3 The Egyptians are men, not God, their horses are flesh, not spirit; When the LORD stretches forth his hand, the helper shall stumble, the one helped shall fall, and both of them shall perish together. 埃及人是人,并不是神;他们的战马是血肉,并不是灵;只要上主一伸手,施助的人必将仆倒,受助的人必要颠覆:二者同归于尽。 4 Thus says the LORD to me: As a lion or a lion cub growling over its prey, With a band of shepherds assembled against it, Is neither frightened by their shouts nor disturbed by their noise, So shall the LORD of hosts come down to wage war upon the mountain and hill of Zion. 因为上主曾这样对我说:“犹如壮狮或幼狮为了猎物而怒吼,即使召集许多牧人攻击它,它并不因他们的叫嚣而畏惧,也不因他们的喧嚷而惊慌;同样,万军的上主必要降下,为熙雍和她的丘岭作战。 5 Like hovering birds, so the LORD of hosts shall shield 6 Return, O children of 以色列子民啊!再归到你们所远离的上主那里罢! 7 On that day each one of you shall spurn his sinful idols of silver and gold, which he made with his hands. 因为到那一天,人人必要拋弃自己的银偶像和金偶像,即你们以污秽的手所制造的。 8 亚述必将倾覆于超人的刀下,超人的刀必将吞噬她;她将由刀剑面前逃走,她的壮丁必要充作苦役。 8 1 He shall rush past his crag in panic, and his princes shall flee in terror from his standard, Says the LORD who has a fire in 她的盘石由于震惊必要逃避,她的王侯,由于恐慌必将放弃军旗:这是在熙雍有火,在耶路撒冷有炉的上主的断语。 Footnotes(注解) 1 [8] Crag: the king as the rallying point of the princes. |