Isaiah 1 Woe, O destroyer never destroyed, O traitor never betrayed! When you finish destroying, you will be destroyed; when wearied with betraying, you will be betrayed. 祸哉,你这不受侵害而侵害人,不受劫掠而劫掠人的人!当你侵害完了,你将遭受别人的侵害;当你劫掠完了,你将遭受别人的劫掠。 2 O LORD, have pity on us, for you we wait. Be our strength every morning, our salvation in time of trouble! 3 At the roaring sound, peoples flee; when you rise in your majesty, nations are scattered. 叫嚣的声音一响,民众遂即逃遁;你一奋起,万民便都溃散。 4 Men gather spoil as caterpillars are gathered up; they rush upon it like the onrush of locusts. 人们收集掠物,有如拾取蚱蜢;急于劫掠,有如蝗虫疾跳。 5 The LORD is exalted, enthroned on high; he fills 上主是崇高的,因为他居于高处;他以正义和公平充盈了熙雍。 6 That which makes her seasons lasting, the riches that save her, are wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the LORD is her treasure. 他是你命运的保障,得救的府库、智慧和明智;敬畏上主,将是你的宝藏。 7 1 See, the men of Ariel cry out in the streets, the messengers of Shalem weep bitterly. 看哪!传信的的人在外号叫,和平使者悲痛啼哭。 8 The highways are desolate, travelers have quit the paths, Covenants are broken, their terms are spurned; yet no man gives it a thought. 大路已经荒废,行旅已经绝迹。他撕毁了盟约,藐视了证人,不顾及任何人。 9 2 The country languishes in mourning, 地域凄惨颓废,黎巴嫩惭赧憔悴,沙龙变成荒野,巴商和加尔默耳摇曳凋零。 10 Now will I rise up, says the LORD, now will I be exalted, now be lifted up. 上主说:"现在我要起来,现在我要奋发,现在我要受尊崇! 11 You conceive dry grass, bring forth stubble; my spirit shall consume you like fire. 你们所怀的是枯草,所生的是碎秸;我的气息有如火焰,必将你们焚尽! 12 The peoples shall be as in a limekiln, like brushwood cut down for burning in the fire. 13 Hear, you who are far off, what I have done; you who are near, acknowledge my might. 14 On Zion sinners are in dread, trembling grips the impious: "Who of us can live with the consuming fire? who of us can live with the everlasting flames?" 熙雍的罪人战兢害怕?不法之徒为恐惧所攫:"我们中谁能与吞噬的烈火同居?我们中谁能与不灭的烈焰共处?" 15 He who practices virtue and speaks honestly, who spurns what is gained by oppression, Brushing his hands free of contact with a bribe, stopping his ears lest he hear of bloodshed, closing his eyes lest he look on evil— 那行走正道,出言真诚的,鄙弃欺诈入息的,摇手不受贿赂的,充耳不闻流血阴谋的,闭眼不看邪恶的: 16 He shall dwell on the heights, his stronghold shall be the rocky fastness, his food and drink in steady supply. 这样的人要居高处,岩石上的堡垒将作他的保障,他的食物有人供应,他的水可得保全。 17 3 Your eyes will see a king in his splendor, they will look upon a vast land. 你必要举目瞻仰具有华美的君王,要遥望幅员广阔的地带。 18 Your mind will dwell on the terror: "Where is he who counted, where is he who weighed? Where is he who counted the towers?" 你的心追忆起已往的恐怖时,要说:"登记的人员在那里呢?量银的人员在那里呢?数点城堡的人又在那里呢?" 19 To the people of alien tongue you will look no more, the people of obscure speech, stammering in a language not understood. 20 Look to 你将观看熙雍,我们集会的城邑;你的眼将见到耶路撒冷,安全的寓所,不动摇的帐幕;她的木桩永不能拔出,她所有的绳索也不能拉断。 21 4 In a place of rivers and wide streams on which no boat is rowed, where no majestic ship passes, 荣耀的上主在那里将作我们的巨川大河,没有舟楫往来其间,也没有游艇划过。 22 Indeed the LORD will be there with us, majestic; yes, the LORD our judge, the LORD our lawgiver, the LORD our king, he it is who will save us. 因为上主是我们的判官,上主是我们的立法者,上主是我们的君王,他必拯救我们。 23 The rigging hangs slack; it cannot hold the mast in place, nor keep the sail spread out. Then the blind will divide great spoils and the lame will carry off the loot. 它的绳索松弛了,没有稳固桅杆的力量,也没有扯起船帆的力量。 那时,瞎子要分得许多战利品,瘸子要取得掳获物。 24 No one who dwells there will say, "I am sick"; the people who live there will be forgiven their guilt. Footnotes(注解) 1 [7] Ariel . . . Shalem: Jerusalem; cf Isaiah 29:1; Genesis 14:18. 2 [9] Sharon: the fertile plain near the Mediterranean. 3 [17] King: the messianic king, or God; cf Isaiah 33:22. 4 [22-23] Boat . . . majestic ship: of a foreign oppressor. |